What is a Business License? Answering Your Questions About Licenses and Permits in Indonesia
What is a business license in Indonesia

What is a Business License? Answering Your Questions About Licenses and Permits in Indonesia

To conduct legal business overseas, you’ll need to meticulously navigate the legal and regulatory landscape of your target market. This typically involves establishing a legal entity compliant with local laws, securing necessary business licenses and permits, understanding tax obligations, and adhering to employment and intellectual property regulations.

In Indonesia, the proof of business legality primarily lies in the possession of a Business Identification Number (NIB) and Related Business License, obtained through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. This unique identifiers serve as evidence of your company registration and compliance with initial legal requirements.

How important is a Business License in Indonesia?

The importance of a business license to operate in Indonesia cannot be overstated. Empirical evidence suggests that businesses operating without proper licenses face a higher risk of penalties, including hefty fines, operational shutdowns, and legal action.

A valid business license not only demonstrates your commitment to legal compliance but also enhances your credibility, fosters consumer trust, and facilitates access to government resources and financial incentives, contributing to your overall success in the Indonesian market.

In this article, we will unravel the complexities and equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the understanding of a Business License with confidence. Let’s explore more about business licenses and permits in Indonesia, addressing your most pressing questions.

What is a Business License in Indonesia?

A business license, often called “Izin Usaha” in Indonesian is a legal document issued by the Indonesian government that grants you the authority to operate a specific type of business within the country. It serves as proof that your business complies with all relevant regulations and standards.

Business Licenses: Essential Requirements to Register a Company in Indonesia

Business licenses are not just an administrative formality; they are a fundamental requirement for registering a company in Indonesia. Whether you’re a local entrepreneur or a foreign investor, securing the necessary licenses ensures your business operates legally and gains access to various benefits and opportunities.

How Many Business License Types are There in Indonesia?

Indonesia’s business licensing system encompasses a variety of license types, each tailored to specific industries and activities. Some of the most common types include:

  • Commercial License (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan or SIUP) is mandatory for businesses engaged in trading activities, both wholesale and retail.
  • Industrial License (Izin Usaha Industri or IUI) is required for businesses involved in manufacturing or industrial activities.
  • Construction Services License (Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi or IUJK) is essential for companies providing construction services.
  • Other Sector-Specific Licenses exist for sectors like tourism, healthcare, education, and more.

Where Do I Obtain Business License in Indonesia?

You can obtain the Business License by submitting your company details through form filing on the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. This integrated online platform simplifies the licensing process by allowing you to apply for and manage various licenses electronically. However, certain licenses may require direct application to specific ministries or government agencies.

What is The Difference Between Licenses and Permits?

While the terms “license” and “permit” are often used interchangeably, there’s a subtle distinction. A license generally grants broader authorisation to operate a business, while a permit typically focuses on specific activities or aspects within the business operation.

How to Get a Business License in Indonesia? The Step by Step Process

Obtaining a business license in Indonesia involves several steps:

  1. Company Registration: Establish a legal entity, such as a PT PMA (Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company) or a local PT (Limited Liability Company).
  2. NIB (Business Identification Number) Acquisition: Register your business on the OSS system to obtain your NIB, a unique identifier crucial for the licensing process.
  3. KBLI (Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification) Determination: Identify the relevant KBLI code that corresponds to your business activity.
  4. License Application: Apply for the specific business licenses required for your industry and activities through the OSS system or relevant agencies.
  5. Document Submission: Provide all necessary supporting documents, which may include company registration certificates, tax identification numbers, and more.
  6. Payment of Fees: Pay the required fees associated with the license application.
  7. License Issuance: Upon successful verification and approval, your business license will be issued.

What Company License Do I Need to Start a Business in Indonesia?

The specific licenses required to start a business in Indonesia depend on several factors, including:

  • Business Activity: The nature of your business activities will dictate the specific licenses you need. For example, a restaurant will need different licenses than a manufacturing company.
  • Location: Different regions may have additional licensing requirements or variations in the application process.
  • Ownership Structure: Foreign-owned companies may need to fulfil additional licensing obligations compared to locally owned businesses.

Case Study: What Type of Business License Do I Need to Sell Food & Beverages?

Let’s consider a practical example. If you plan to open a restaurant or cafe in Indonesia, there will be several business licenses and permits required, including:

Company Registration Certificate

The company corporation certificate is a proof of your legal entity. It allows you to operate your business in Indonesia under legal protection, ensures your business entity in Indonesia a security and convenient expansion.

Read more about Company Registration here.

Business Identification Number (NIB)

The NIB is a series of number used as your business identity obtained through the OSS system.

Read more about Business Identification Number here.

Commercial License (SIUP)

This license is mandatory for trading activities.

Read more about Commercial License here.

Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Certification

To confirm the quality of food and beverage products.

Read more about BPOM Certification here.

Halal Certification

To effectively reach the Muslim market, it is essential for your F&B business to have Halal Certification, particularly in Indonesia where the Muslim population is the highest.

Read more about Halal Certification here.

Business License Requirements

While the specific requirements may vary depending on the license type, here are some common documents you’ll likely need:

  • Company Registration Certificate
  • Business Identification Number (NIB)
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
  • Location Permit
  • Environmental Permit (if applicable)
  • Other sector-specific permits

Get a Complete Guide to Safely Set Up a Business in Indonesia and Stay Compliant with Indonesian Corporate Law with Lets Move Indonesia Legal Consultants

Navigating the complexities of business licenses and permits in Indonesia can be a daunting task. That’s where Lets Move Indonesia’s expert legal consultants come in. We offer comprehensive guidance and support to ensure your business setup and operations comply with all Indonesian corporate laws.

Our team of experienced professionals can assist you with:

  • Identifying the necessary licenses and permits for your specific business activity.
  • Preparing and submitting all required documents.
  • Liaising with relevant government agencies.
  • Providing ongoing compliance monitoring and support.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information on company formation in Indonesia. For specific legal advice tailored to your situation, please consult with qualified professionals.

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