Remote Work Visa Indonesia

Visa Services & Immigration Consulting

Remote Visa (KITAS) – Who is it for and what are the benefits

As of 2024, Indonesia has introduced several more visa programmes to cater to convenient travel to Indonesia without the hassle of constant exits and re-entries or frequent immigration visits. One of them was the KITAS E33G or Remote Visa, the new entry permit aimed to aid digital nomads to embark on a journey to Indonesia.

KITAS E33G, also known as the Remote Worker VISA, a 1-year temporary residence permit that provides an opportunity to reside in Indonesia while working virtually for a company located outside the country. Designed to cater to experienced slow-living digital nomads in search of their next destination or individuals seeking to extend their stay in Bali without interrupting their employment, this visa offers an ideal solution.

Benefits of Remote Visa to Indonesia 2024

Recognising the changing nature of work and the potential benefits of attracting remote workers, Indonesia has taken a progressive step forward by launching its remote worker visa program. The Remote Worker Visa (E33G) offers a streamlined application process for those looking to make Indonesia their temporary home base. This initiative aims to make it easier for digital nomads and remote employees to live and work in Indonesia.

Steps to get your Remote Visa Indonesia

  1. Prepare and provide all the requirements. Lets Move Indonesia can help to navigate the right documents you need to provide to avoid the complexity. 
  2. Submit all the documents to the Indonesian Immigration website
  3. The approval will be sent to you via e-mail
  4. The Remote Visa will be sent to your email and can be used to enter Indonesia.

Common Questions About Indonesia’s Remote Work Visa Indonesia

Can the remote worker visa allow digital nomads to work in Indonesia?

Yes, digital nomads can work in Indonesia, but with limitations. E33G visa holders are only authorized to work for companies registered outside of Indonesia and cannot receive income from any Indonesian entity or individual.

Can I extend my remote worker KITAS after one year?

The Remote Worker KITAS E33G is valid for a single year and cannot be renewed. To continue your stay in Indonesia, you must close your current KITAS before its expiration, leave the country, and apply for a new one.

Remote Worker Visa Indonesia

Requirements to Obtain the Remote Worker Visa (KITAS) Indonesia

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