PT Company Establishment

Company Registration & Legal Services

Indonesia’s economy is growing at an incredible pace and many entrepreneurs and investors are looking to Indonesia to turn their business dreams into a reality and our Company Establishment Service is here to help!

There are a variety of different packages you can pick for setting up a business in Indonesia and a PT is by far the most popular.

Essentially a PT is a local company, designed for Indonesian citizens and therefore we would only recommend setting up this type of business if you are either Indonesian or have a trustworthy Indonesian partner. If you are a foreigner we would recommend setting up a PMATo find out more about PMA Establishment, click here!

Additionally, there are some business entities that are only available to Indonesian Companies, therefore, even if you are a foreign company or individual, you may still need to set up a PT. If you need more information about which entities can be open to foreign owned companies, please feel free to ask the LetsMoveIndonesia team!

Our expert team are now located in Jakarta & Bali, so feel free to book your free consultation!

Steps to Get Your PT Company Establishment

  1. Register the company name to the Notary. Name must contain 3 words
  2. The Notary will make a draft Deed of Establishment
  3. Decree Approval will be issued by the Ministry of Law & Human Rights
  4. Obtain a Tax ID
  5. Obtain the Registration Number (NIB/Nomor Induk Berusaha)
  6. Obtain the Business License through the Online Single Submission System
  7. Obtain the Commercial License (if applicable)

The minimum requirements to set up a local PT are:

In addition, there are 3 different sized companies you can make, each requiring a different amount of investment/paid in capital. They are:

Please note, that if you want to employ foreigners, in a PT, the company size must be at least Medium with a paid in capital above IDR


1. Minimum 2 shareholders
2. Identity and contact details of Company Shareholders:
     – For Indonesian Individuals, KTP and NPWP
     – For Indonesian Companies, copy of Article of Establishment and the amendments and the Approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Right, Domicile Letter, Tax Id, Business License, Company Registration Certificate (TDP/NIB)
3. Identity and contact details of Company Directors and Commissioner:
      – For Indonesian individuals, KTP, NPWP, email and phone number.
      – For Foreign Individuals, valid passport, email and phone number.
4. Original Domicile from building management
5. Copy of Lease Agreement between company and building management

Company Establishment Packages

To make your life simpler, LetsMoveIndonesia offers fully serviced packages to get your business off the ground. The High Flyer Package includes PT Establishment, a virtual office and an express KITAS! To find out more details about The High Flyer Package, click here!

Want to know more about setting up a business in Indonesia? Then check out our useful guides!

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Christyana Haryono
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Jessica Rahayu
(Visa Consultant)

Ervan Whardana
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Medina Fatima
(Visa Administrator)

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