News Update 19:30 6th July 2021
Earlier this morning we announced new changes regarding additional documents required for visa applications, this evening the immigration authorities finally made the announcement via their social media channels.
The new announcement advises that offshore visa applications will need to provide extra requirements for visa applications, these are:
- Negative Covid 19 reverse transcriptase – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) result that are still valuable and can be checked through QR code
- Proof of receiving the complete dosage Covid 19 Vaccine
- Statement letter in English willing to be quarantine for 8 days
Below is the official announcement posts from the Indonesian Immigration Instagram:
These changes are made for a number of reasons, primarily because of the spike in Covid cases in Indonesia and the need to curve the situation.
Additionally, during this pandemic dodgy visa agencies have been selling visas without requesting the documentation required by Indonesian Immigration Authorities, faking documents such as Covid tests.
LetsMoveIndonesia is proud to be the only ethical agency in the country that has requested complete documentation from our visa customers ensuring their safety, as well as that of Indonesia.
If you are looking for a reliable, trustworthy visa agency that has its finger on the pulse for all things visa related, then contact us for your free consultation. Jakarta and Bali, we have you covered. T: +62 21 300 297 27 (Jakarta) T: +62 361 934 8343 (Bali) E: [email protected]
Content below is from this morning when we made our initial announcement before anyone else, based on our findings at that time Can now ignore due to the new update and confirmed information.
Post from 10:00 6th July 2021
On 6th July 2021, as we were uploading Single Entry Visa applications onto the Online Submission System for Indonesia, new requirements came up from yesterday which are a lot more strict than previously implemented.
Please note that no official announcement has been made from Immigration authorities and we are only advising on the information that we have seen first hand today.
Additionally, no English version for requirements has been provided so the translation below is an unofficial translation that LetsMoveIndonesia has written.
Please note: it would appear these requirements are for both on and offshore visa applications. We assume this is in keeping with the new entry requirements announced yesterday, although we do not know for certain how these will be implemented or whether these new requirements are temporary, permanent or just an experiment. When new information or an official announcement is released we will update this thread.
The requirements for the Single Entry Business Visa are as follows (we have highlighted the new/changes of requirements):
- Letter of application and guarantee (for corporations signed by the board of Directors/Commissioners/Leaders) on staff
- Passport cover
- Bio date page, minimum 6 months or travel document 12 months
- Return ticket (return ticket) or through ticker (Continue travel)
- Saving account book guarantee / foreigners (minimum balance equivalent of USD 10,000), minimum last 3 months
- Negative Covid 19 reverse transcriptase – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) result that are still valuable and can be checked through QR code
- Proof of receiving the complete dosage Covid 19 Vaccine
- Statement letter in English willing to be quarantine for 8 days
- Statement letter of willing to do health monitoring during quarantine or independent isolation
- Proof of ownership of health insurance/travel insurance including health financing, and/or statement of willing to pay independently.
In regard to QR codes for PCR tests & Vaccine proof, we do not know if health institutions around the world abide by this, so we are still investigating what this means. Additionally, it does not say the validity of the PCR test for application stage – This request seems somewhat unreasonable for application only, but it is listed as a requirement.
As we mentioned in previous social media posts, LetsMoveIndoenesia requested full documentation for application, whilst other agencies were only asking for passports and clearly faking the rest of the documents. The actions of those agents is partly the reason these extreme measures have been put into effect.
Therefore, we urge you to only use a reputable and ethical agency for your visa applications and not one of the thousands of popup agencies flooding the marking. Ensure your agency is legit, has real offices, landlines and has been around longer than 1 year (many are not being honest about their validity).
A final note, regulations and requirements are changing daily, we are just providing information as and when it happens. We do not have all the answers, but we are investigating all the changes. If your need to travel to Indonesia is not urgent then we advise you to not apply for any visa at this time. If you do need to visit Indonesia, please note rules, requirement and regulations can change at a moments notice.
As always, we will continue to update you regarding news and changes of regulations, if you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact us and we will do our best to assist you. T: +62 21 300 297 27 (Jakarta) T: +62 361 934 8343 (Bali) E: [email protected]
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