Dependent Golden Visa Indonesia for Spouse E31B

Visa Services & Immigration Consulting

The Dependent Golden Visa E31B is a type of visa that allows the spouse or dependent of a foreign national holding a Golden Visa to live in Indonesia. This visa is intended for spouses and dependents of individuals who have obtained a Golden Visa through investment, retirement, or other eligible categories.

What are the types of Dependent Golden Visa for Spouses in Indonesia?

The Indonesian government offers two types of Dependent Golden Visas for spouses:

5-Year Dependent Golden Visa: This visa is valid for five years and can be extended for an additional five years, totalling up to 10 years of stay in Indonesia.

10-Year Dependent Golden Visa: This visa provides a longer duration of stay, allowing the spouse to reside in Indonesia for up to 10 years. This visa is typically associated with higher investment amounts or specific eligibility requirements.

What are the benefits of applying for a Dependent Golden Visa for Spouse E31B Indonesia?

Steps to get your Golden Visa Indonesia

  1. Prepare and provide all the requirements. Lets Move Indonesia can help to navigate the right documents you need to provide to avoid the complexity. 
  2. Submit all the documents to the Indonesian Immigration website
  3. The approval will be sent to you via e-mail
  4. The Golden Visa will be sent to your email and can be used to enter Indonesia.

Common questions about Dependent Global Visa for Spouses (E31B)

What are the eligibility requirements for a spouse to apply for a Dependent Golden Visa E31B?

The spouse must be legally married to the main Golden Visa holder and provide supporting documents such as a marriage certificate.

What are the financial requirements for a Dependent Golden Visa E31B?

While the financial requirements can vary depending on the type of Golden Visa the main applicant holds, it is generally expected that the spouse can demonstrate sufficient funds for living expenses in Indonesia.

Can a spouse with a Dependent Golden Visa E31B work in Indonesia?

Yes, the visa allows the spouse to work legally in Indonesia, either for an Indonesian company or by starting their own business.

Can a spouse apply for a Dependent Golden Visa E31B if their partner has a different type of visa (e.g., work visa)?

The Dependent Golden Visa E31B is specifically designed for dependents of Golden Visa holders. If the partner holds a different type of visa, the spouse may need to apply for a different type of dependent visa.

Dependent Golden Visa Indonesia Spouses 5 Year

Dependent Golden Visa Indonesia Spouses 10 Year


  1. Scan a copy Passport that is valid for at least 12 months
  2. Bank statement with a minimum amount of USD 2,000 or equivalent
  3. A recent Photograph with passport size (4×6)
  4. Curriculum Vitae
  5. Travel Itinerary (if any)
  6. Proof of guarantee from the Guarantor or a statement of commitment from the husband or wife
  7. Marriage certificate or marriage book that has been translated into Indonesian by a sworn translator except those that have been written in English
  1. A valid Limited Stay Permit/Permanent Stay Permit or Limited Stay Visa of the husband or wife

Want to know more about similar Visa options? Check out some of the other Indonesia Visas below:

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Christyana Haryono
( Visa Consultant )

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