Covid 19 – The current Visa situation in Indonesia
Covid 19 | What is the current Visa situation in Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

Covid 19 – The current Visa situation in Indonesia

Last updated 13:00 5th April 2021


On Sunday 4th April, Immigration Authorities announced via their official channels that they will be scrapping last weeks update regarding applying for authorisation via email to the Directorate of Immigration, before applying for new offshore visas.

This news update is great news for people that would like to visit Indonesia, as the process is significantly easier without the step added last week.

LetsMoveIndonesia is proud to advise we are back to processing visas at our low advertised prices and are ready to assist you!

Want to get your new visa? Then contact the LetsMoveIndonesia Team!

E: [email protected]

T: +62 21 300 297 27 (Jakarta) or T: +62 361 934 8343

Or visit us in our offices and meet our friendly team! LetsMoveIndonesia, UG Floor Bellagio Mall, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta or LetsMoveIndonesia, 105 Sunset Road, Seminyak, Bali.

***News below is from the update on 29th March, Please discard now as the authorisation step has been removed as per 5th April 2021 in the above notes***


Last updated 16:00 29th March 2021

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps!

On Sunday 28th March 2021 an official update was made from Indonesian Immigration authorities advising that Offshore Visas for Indonesia are available again, but with additional steps to obtain a visa.

So, what does this mean, who does this apply to and how does it work. In this article LetsMoveIndonesia breaks down the update.

The new update regarding the new rules for Visas and stay permits was announced via a new Immigration circular letter number IMI-0661.GR.01.01 of 2021 (Indonesian PDF Version Below).

SE Dirjenim Nomor IMI-0661.GR.01.01 Tahun 2021 Tentang Ketentuan

It was swiftly followed by announcements on their official Instagram account: ditgenimigrasi (No English Version as of yet).

It basically translates that:

Foreigners that can now enter Indonesia are holders of the following visas:

  1. Service visa
  2. Diplomatic visa
  3. Visit visa
  4. Limited residence visa
  5. Official stay permit
  6. Diplomatic stay permit
  7. Limited stay permit
  8. Permanent stay permit
  9. Transportation crew members who come using their own means of transportation
  10. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (KPP APEC) Businessman Travel Cardholders
  11. International transit passengers

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Visit visas that can be granted are for foreigners who carry out the following activities:

  1. Emergency and urgent trips
  2. Undertaking business talks
  3. Purchasing goods
  4. Skills testing for prospective foreign workers
  5. Medical and food aid and support personnel
  6. Joining a ship or other means of transportation in Indonesia

As for the limited stay visa, it can be issued to carry out work and/or non-working purposes.

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Limited stay visa for work can be granted to foreigners in the following cases:

  1. As an expert
  2. Joining a ship, working on offshore equipment, or installations operating in the archipelago waters, territorial sea, or continental shelf, as well as the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone
  3. Supervising the quality of goods or production
  4. Performing inspections or audits at company branches in Indonesia
  5. Servicing after sales
  6. Installing and repairing machinery
  7. Performing non-permanent work in the context of construction
  8. Prospective foreign workers who will work in the context of testing skills

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Meanwhile, a limited stay visa for non-working purposes can be granted to foreigners in the following cases:

  1. Conducting foreign investment
  2. Family reunification
  3. International elderly tourists

Visa on arrival & visit visa cannot be applied.

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Visa applications can only be done by attaching an application letter addressed to the Director-General of Immigration and sent to [email protected]. Or via contacting a visa agent.

The following documents will need to be attached:

  1. Guarantor’s identity documents
  2. Applicant’s identity documents
  3. The email address of the guarantor
  4. The account ID number from visa online registration
  5. Application number of any previously applied for a visa

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Common Questions

What has changed and what does this mean for new offshore visas?

The big question is – can foreigners apply for offshore visas, then the answer is yes; however, it can only be done manually by applying direct to the Director-General of Immigration. It makes no note to time frame or additional costs for authorization.

How does the new system work?

From our understanding, once you have sent an email to Director-General of Immigration and they have approved your application, they will send a ‘token number’ to the applicant via email. Once received you can apply for the visa.

Currently 29/03/21 there is no section on the official website to enter any ‘token number’, so whether this will remain a manual submission or later allowed via online, we cannot say for certainty.

Offshore visas for Indonesia available again but with extra steps! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Can you apply for offshore visas online?

If you have a token number then yes; however, as previously stated above, at the time of writing this article there is no section to input any such numbers.

When will offshore applications online be available again without the need of an application letter?

Still no official date has been set.

Can LetsMoveIndonesia assist with the application of offshore visas?

We are still researching how this works and if there are any additional costs involved. As soon as there is more solid information, we will update this thread.

If I have a question, who should I contact?

You can check out the official website of immigration at: or check out their official Instagram account: ditgenimigrasi.

Additionally, you can ask the LetsMoveIndonesia team at: E: [email protected] or T: +62 21 300 297 27 (Jakarta) or T: +62 361 934 8343

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa & Company Setup processes in Indonesia!

Get your Single Entry Business Visa and enter Indonesia

The new E-Visa – Everything you need to know!

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!

The investor KITAS – Everything You Need To Know!

Company Establishment – Now available in only 2 weeks!

Company Establishment in Indonesia – Your questions answered

Last updated 16:00 10th February 2021

Indonesian Immigration – Who Can Currently Enter?

The Indonesian Immigration situation as of late been exceptionally confusing. Announcement have been made, pulled, reviewed, questioned and then questioned again.

Social media has been awash with information, but at LetsMoveIndonesia, we do our best to provide up to date and reliable information.

Rather than create any further speculation, the link below is to the official Directorate General of Immigration website.

It clearly outlines who is allowed to enter Indonesia currently.

In short, you may enter Indonesia if you have one of the visas mentioned:

Official visa

Diplomatic visa

Visit visa (Single Entry Visa)

Temporary Stay Visa (VITAS)

Official Residence Permit

Diplomatic Residence Permit

Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS)

Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP)

Crew members arriving by their own transports.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card holder (ABTC)

Traditional Border Crossing pass/card holder will be allowed to enter Indonesia.

Can I apply for a new overseas visa to enter Indonesia?

At this point the online system for submitting new overseas visa is still OFFLINE, if this changes, we will update this thread.

It makes no mention that overseas applications will not be allowed, so hopefully online systems will burst into life soon, although we cannot guarantee anything just yet.

Can I enter using the free Visa on Arrival (VOA)?

Absolutely not

Will I have to quarantine when entering Indonesia?

Absolutely yes. Mandatory 5-day quarantine upon arrival.


Have a question or need to know more about Indonesian Immigration? Then feel free to contact our friendly team! T: +62 21 300 297 (Jakarta) T: +62 361 934 8343 (Bali) E: [email protected]

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa & Company Setup processes in Indonesia!

Get your Single Entry Business Visa and enter Indonesia

The new E-Visa – Everything you need to know!

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!

The investor KITAS – Everything You Need To Know!

Company Establishment – Now available in only 2 weeks!

Company Establishment in Indonesia – Your questions answered


Last updated 10:00 23rd January 2021

As the risk of Covid continues and numbers rise, Indonesia has been in lockdown since the start of January. Borders for foreigners remain closed and no offshore submissions can be made. Currently, the lockdown will be enforced until 8th February 2021.

To read the full article, check out the link below:

Indonesia officially closes borders for all foreign nationals starting January 1st 2021


Last updated 16:40 24th November 2020

Visa processes in Indonesia over the few months have been extremely confusing, however, finally, it would appear we are returning to a period of stability in terms of what visas are available and what the processes are.

In this article we answer your most common questions about the current visa situation – what has changed, what visas are available and any hints and tips worth knowing during this period of change.

I am in Indonesia still using the emergency permit, what should I do?

If you are still in Indonesia using the emergency permit, you need to convert it to another visa type immediately. The government has provided plenty of opportunities to do so. Please note that you will be fined 1,000,000 IDR per day for every day overdue.

Can I apply for visas onshore?

Yes you can, visa processes are relatively the same

What visas are available at this time to enter Indonesia?

Simply put, most visa options are available right now. The most important question is; which ones can you not use.

Currently all visa options are available except: Visa on Arrival & the Multiple Entry Business Visa.

When will Indonesia open its borders so there is free travel again?

This question we do not know, it will be the decision of the Indonesian Immigration Authorities. We assume somewhere in Q1 2021; however, that is just a guess.

Can I apply for a visa overseas?

Of course. Processing times, prices and requirements vary depending on what type of visa you require.

I am from a calling visa country, can I enter Indonesia?

On 23rd November 2020, Immigration Authorities opened up the application of Calling Visa citizens. Check out the article below for full information:

Calling Visa citizens can now enter Indonesia

I want to visit Indonesia for a holiday/to see family/partner, how can I get to Indonesia?

Right now, the only way to visit Indonesia without a KITAS is to apply for a Sponsored Single Entry Visa. LetsMoveIndonesia is the most cost effective provider in the country currently. To learn more about the Sponsored Single Entry Visa, check out the link below!

Get your Single Entry Business Visa and Enter Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

What is the E-Visa and how does this effect obtaining a visa to visit Indonesia?

The E-Visa is a new initiative from the Immigration Authorities introduced in October 2020 to simplify the visa process as well as help reduce the risk of contaminating Covid.

Prior to the E-Visa, when people applied for a visa they had to collect what was known as a telex from an Indonesian Embassy overseas. This created unnecessary travel and expenses.

The E-Visa has streamlined the process. Now the application is done online and the visa is simply sent via email to the applicant who can print it and enter Indonesia.

To find out more about the E-Visa, check out the link below!

The New E-Visa Everything You Need to Know | LetsMoveIndonesia

Have more questions or need to know more? Then contact our friendly team! T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa processes in Indonesia!

Get your Single Entry Business Visa and enter Indonesia

Covid 19 – The current visa situation in Indonesia

Everything you need to know about the current visa situation in Indonesia

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!

Last updated 10:00 16th October 2020

The New E-Visa Everything You Need to Know

The E-Visa in Indonesia is finally here! LetsMoveIndonesia investigates what this means, why it was implemented, how this effects new applications and we answer some of your most common questions!

Introducing the E-Visa

Following several countries that have implemented an electronic visa system, the Indonesian government has now also implemented the Electronic Visa (E-Visa) to ease the visa process and make it easier than ever before! The online system rolled out in October 2020 and is already proving to be a great improvement on the old system.

After the issuance of several policies related to the temporary prohibition of foreigners from entering Indonesian territory, the government is now easing the visa restrictions for several visa applications. Currently, the visa granting is limited to Visitor Visa (index B211A, B211B, B211C) and Temporary Stay Visas.

Stated on the new updated regulation number 26 Year 2020 dated 1st October 2020 from the Ministry of Law and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia, foreign nationals holding a legal and valid visa and/or stay permit will be allowed to enter Indonesian territory through designated Immigration Border Controls after undergoing the health protocol.

Meanwhile, the Minister still suspends to grant a Visa on Arrival and Visa Exemption temporarily until the Covid 19 status is declared over by the Ministry or the national related agency.

Conversely, one Visitor Visa is still allowed, which is the Single Entry Visa, for purposes such as, emergency and essential work, a business meeting, purchase of goods, a probationary period for foreign workers, a medical, food, and humanitarian aid worker, and a crew member who joins the vessel in Indonesia.

Get your Single Entry Business Visa and Enter Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesiaFor the Temporary Stay Visa application, the government allows for the following purposes:

  • as a professional or expert
  • who joins to work on ships, on vessels, or installations operating in the Indonesian maritime zone, territorial sea, continental shelf, and Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone
  • whose job is quality control of goods or products
  • who conducts workplace inspections and audit
  • whose work with an aftersales service
  • who installs and repairs machine
  • with a non-permanent work in constructions
  • with a probationary period for skilled works.
  • a foreign investment
  • a family reunion
  • retirement travel.

The application for Visit Visa and Temporary Stay Visa mentioned above technically has to be made by the Indonesian Sponsor to the Director General of Immigration (DGI). After getting the approval, the visa can be issued electronically as e-Visa.

Additionally, this e-Visa is also applicable for foreigners who are currently staying in Indonesia (commonly known as Onshore application). Once your e-Visa is granted, you must proceed to the designated immigration office in the area you reside.

How does this effect foreigners obtaining visas overseas?

The E-Visa Indonesia is a visa transformation from a visa label/sticker on foreign national passport to an electronic form being sent via email. The applicant will not be required anymore to collect the visa in person at the Indonesian embassy or representative abroad.

What is the benefit of the E-Visa

  1. Visa will be sent to your email, as well to the sponsor’s.
  2. You will not be required to collect the visa at the Indonesian Embassy or Representative Overseas
  3. You will not meet the officer while applying for the visa
  4. Once the e-Visa is granted, you can travel to Indonesia

The New E-Visa Everything You Need to Know | LetsMoveIndonesia

Common questions

Do I still need to pay Indonesian Embassy fees?

Since this system has been implemented, you no longer need to pay fees at the Indonesian embassy, because by having an electronic visa, you can now travel directly to Indonesia.

However, there are fees appear in advance while the Sponsor is processing the visa approval for you. USD 50 is payable for Visit Visa application and USD 150 is charged on applying for Temporary Stay Visa.

An important note, technically after your Sponsor has made an online application, they will receive a billing statement, whether it is USD50 or USD150, which is valid for 7 (seven) calendar days only. Once you have settled, the payment is non-refundable. Please note that if you have made any mistakes your application will be rejected and your money will be forfeited – therefore it is vitally important you ensure every single document is correct. If you are unsure – use an agent.

The DGI will verify your documents and soon notify you/the sponsor by an email regarding the approval or rejection. If you are approved, you will be granted by e-Visa and can directly travel to Indonesia.

Is this a permanent change or temporary?

The Indonesian government has commenced the system testing of electronic visa applications and it looks like this new system is still in the experimental stage while looking at further developments.

What documents do I need to enter Indonesia?

  • a sponsor letter;
  • foreign national’s passport biodata page;
  • tickets for entering/exiting the Indonesian territory;
  • Bank passbook/current account (specific for Visitor Visa it is required for Sponsors to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds of at least US$10,000 to support the foreign nationals living expenses during stay in Indonesia.
  • a health certificate in English declaring a free from Covid-19 by a competent authority at their home country;
  • a declaration letter in English consenting to mandatory self-isolation or undertake a medical treatment at an accommodation or a designated health facility by the Indonesian government at the traveler’s own expense when a PCR check upon arrival by the health authority at ports of entry results in a positive with the Covid-19 or with symptoms in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.
  • a consent letter to be monitored during the quarantine or self-isolation in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.
  • health insurance or travel insurance covering medical expenses, and/or a declaration letter of medical treatment at own expenses, if contracted with the Covid-19 during their stay in Indonesia.

If I am making an application overseas, how do I pay the Indonesian Government official fees?

Currently, there is no online payment method, it needs to be done in person manually. Therefore, an agent, friend, colleague or family member will need to assist you.

The New E-Visa Everything You Need to Know | LetsMoveIndonesia

The New E-Visa Everything You Need to Know | LetsMoveIndonesiaHave a question or need a reliable agent to help you visit Indonesia? Then contact Indonesia’s Most Trusted Agency – LetsMoveIndonesia! T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa processes in Indonesia!

Get your Single Entry Business Visa and enter Indonesia

Covid 19 – The current visa situation in Indonesia

Everything you need to know about the current visa situation in Indonesia

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!


Last updated 16:15 30th September 2020

Online visa systems are back online for overseas foreigners!

In this article, LetsMoveIndonesia answers your most common questions about what visa options are available for overseas foreigners.

Can foreigners enter Indonesia using visa on arrival?

No, unfortunately not just yet

What visas can foreigners enter Indonesia with?

You may enter with :

  • A valid KITAS/KITAP
  • A VITAS that you have obtained from the Indonesia Representatives abroad (Index 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319)
  • Single Entry Visa (Index 211A or 211B)

Can I apply for a new KITAS outside of Indonesia?

Yes, you can if all the documents meet with the requirements. For Working KITAS and Investor KITAS the process is still quite challenging and requires a recommendation letter from BKPM; use an agent to speed up your KITAS process.

You can also apply for spouse and dependent visas.

Can I get a Single Entry Business Visa without an agent?

Yes, but only if you have a company that can sponsor you. Please note, the online system is working for sponsored single entry business visas, although without an agent to expedite, it will literally take weeks. Please note you may also require a recommendation letter from BKPM (More information on that below).

Why do I need an agent for Single Entry Business Visa

If you do not have a company to sponsor you or you would like your visa done quickly, then you should use an agent.

Can all agents provide the Sponsored Single Entry Business Visa?

As of 25th September all agent should be able to process the visa; however, not all will be willing to sponsor foreigners who do not have a employer in Indonesia. Prior to this date, only well connected agents could assist.

Additionally, if you need the visa fast, only the very best agents can get it done within days. Please note speed comes with a price.

Can I apply for a Single Entry Visa and get sponsored by a family member/friend?

No, this isn’t possible, unless you have direct Indonesian relatives, such as parent, children over 18, siblings or spouse.

I want to marry my Indonesian boyfriend/girlfriend, can I enter Indonesia?

Not unless you have a KITAS/KITAP, Sponsored Single Entry Business Visa.

Can we get married in another country and then apply for the spouse KITAS?

If you get married overseas, you will still need to register your marriage certificate at the Civil Office where you are domiciled in Indonesia, you are also required to change your marital status on your KTP (ID Card) and KK (Family Card) to Married status, before you can apply for the Spouse KITAS.

I am Indonesian and want my spouse who is overseas to come to Indonesia, can I apply for a new spouse KITAS?

Yes, you can, although it is not very easy at the moment as the online system is extremely slow. If you want it done quicker (and save yourself a headache), use an agent.

I want to come to Indonesia I do not have a job or a sponsor?

Only way now is Sponsored Single Entry Visa

I am overseas, can I apply for a new Working/Retirement/Investor KITAS?

Yes, but you will need an agent to assist you.

What is the recommendation letter and do I need it to apply for my new overseas KITAS/Visa?

The Recommendation letter is essentially an approval letter to sponsor a foreigner for a job role within Indonesia. The permission is granted by the BKPM (Investment Coordinating board).

This is a relatively new step and was put in place to ensure priority foreign workers could come back to Indonesia.

For offshore Investor & Working KITAS you must apply for a recommendation letter. For other KITAS types it is not relevant.

Single Entry Business Visa also technically needs one for now; although, some Indonesian Embassies overseas do not request it (such as Dubai). Please check with the Embassy before collecting your TELEX.

I have KITAS and I am in Indonesia, can my husband/wife/children come using a dependent KITAS?

Yes, they can apply, the online systems are online for family reunification purposes. As usual, using an agent will be much easier.

I am a foreigner living in Indonesia using a KITAS and would like my child to visit who are over 18. Can they come using the dependent KITAS?

No, the dependent KITAS is for under 18s. Currently the only option is Sponsored Single Entry Business Visa.

My KITAS/KITAP has expired, can I use it to arrive in Indonesia?

Yes, for Working KITAS you must have your valid working permit renewed such as RPTKA and IMTA before you arrive in Indonesia. Please note that the KITAS must not have expired before 1st December 2019 (Implies this, I’m not 100% certain, it doesn’t say specifically). You must arrive in Indonesia before 31st December 2020.

If you have a non-working KITAS you can enter, as long as you arrive back in Indonesia before 31st December 2020 and it expired after 1st December 2019 (Implies this, I’m not 100% certain, it doesn’t say specifically).

Information was sourced from Directorate General Immigration (DGI) website, article dated 18th September 2020.

When will foreigners be able to come back to Indonesia using visa on arrival/visit visa?

Unfortunately, there is no date announced just yet; any guess now would be speculation.

If you have any questions or need to know more, feel free to contact the LetsMoveIndonesia team! T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa processes in Indonesia!

Get your Single Entry Business Visa & Enter Indonesia

Everything you need to know about the current visa situation in Indonesia

KITAS renewals promotion from LetsMoveIndonesia

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!


Last updated 15:30 21st September 2020

On 18th August the DGI (Directorate General of Immigration) issued a new circular regarding the Liability Deadline for foreigners to convert their emergency permit to a new deadline which is now the 5th October 2020.

Therefore, if you are still on an emergency visa, you have until 5th October to convert it to a stay permit, such as Single Entry or KITAS or leave the country.

Below is our unofficial translation of the circular:

Responding to the dynamics that occur in immigration services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, hereby respectfully convey the following:

  1. Referring to the Letter of the Director General of Immigration Number IMI-GR.01.01-4409 dated 18th August 2020 regarding the Liability Deadline of Foreigners of ITKT Holders to get Immigration Stay Permits, foreigners holding free visit visas, limited stay permits, or permanent residence permits that have expired and cannot be extended in accordance with statutory regulations and has obtained a Forced Stay Permit (ITKT), must hold a new Stay Permit through the Visa Approval (Telex) mechanism no later than 20 September 2020;
  2. Currently, there are still obstacles that cause difficulties for foreigners to apply for Telex.
  3. In this regard, you can assign the head of the immigration office in his working area to disseminate information to the public regarding:
  4. Changes in the deadline for foreigners’ obligations as referred to in number 1 from 20th September 2020 to 5th October 2020;
  5. Foreigners holding Telex with PNBP payment mechanism and a separate visa as referred to the Letter of the Director General of Immigration Number IMI-GR.01.01-3558 dated 22nd July 2020, must report to the immigration office and pay the Visa fee no later than 5th October 2020;
  6. Foreigners who already have an immigration residence permit, are obliged to extend their residence permit accordingly;
  7. Foreigners in number 1 who do not have an immigration residence permit and foreigners who do not carry out the obligations as referred to in number 3 a s.d. c may be subject to Immigration Administrative Action

Covid 19 Visa Updates Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

If you have any questions of need any assistance with your visa, feel free to contact the LetsMoveIndonesia team. T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa processes in Indonesia!

Everything you need to know about the current visa situation in Indonesia

KITAS renewals promotion from LetsMoveIndonesia

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!


Last updated 11:30 15th September 2020

On 14th September 2020 a new update was released by the Directorate General of Indonesia informing that concessions will be made for the application of reunion visas to Indonesia, such as spouse & dependent KITAS.

This new update is relevant to spouses of Indonesian citizens, as well as children of mixed marriages. This long overdue announcement is fantastic news for thousands of people affected by the Covid 19 pandemic and means at last, people can return to Indonesia to be with their loved ones.

As per 14th September the online system for new applications is back online!

Below are the official infographics from Directorate General of Indonesia’s Instagram page, which outline the new regulation for family reunion visa applications.

Foreigners can now apply for family reunion visas to Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia Foreigners can now apply for family reunion visas to Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

Mentioned on the DGI page, the requirements needed for visa application are as follows:

  1. Application Letter
  2. Sponsorship Letter
  3. Colour copy of passport with minimum validity of 18 months for 1 year stay permit
  4. Bank statement with minimum balance of US$ 1,500
  5. Marriage certificate

Foreigners can now apply for family reunion visas to Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

Additionally, the new announcement applies to:

  1. Children of Indonesian mother/father
  2. Children of foreigners who are married to Indonesian citizens (under 18 years old and unmarried)


  • Application Letter and Sponsor Letter signed on the stamp duty
  • Colour copy of passport with minimum validity of 18 months for 1-year stay permit
  • Bank statement with minimum balance of US$ 1,500
  • Copy of Family Registration Certificate
  • Copy of marriage certificate
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of Indonesian parent’s ID Card

Foreigners can now apply for family reunion visas to Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

Following spouse (Dependent Visa)  Temporary/Permanent (ITAS/ITAP) Stay Permit Holder

Requirements :

  • Application Letter from the spouse to Directorate of Immigration
  • Sponsor Letter signed on the stamp duty
  • Copy of passport with minimum validity of 18 months for 1-year stay permit
  • Bank statement with minimum balance of US$ 1,500
  • Copy of marriage certificate
  • Copy of spouse’s ITAS/ITAP

Foreigners can now apply for family reunion visas to Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

Children of Foreigners of ITAS/ITAP holder (under 18 years old and unmarried)


  • Application Letter from the spouse to Directorate of Immigration
  • Sponsor Letter signed on the stamp duty
  • Copy of passport with minimum validity of 18 months for 1-year stay permit
  • Bank statement with minimum balance of US$ 1,500
  • Copy of marriage certificate
  • Copy of family registration certificate
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of parents’ ITAS/ITAP

Foreigners can now apply for family reunion visas to Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

If you would like more information or need assistance applying for your reunion visas – spouse KITAS or Dependent KITAS, feel free to contact LetsMoveIndonesia’s friendly team at T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Found this article interesting? Then check out these useful guides about Visa processes in Indonesia!

Everything you need to know about the current visa situation in Indonesia

Convert your emergency permit to a social visa with 180 days validity

KITAS renewals promotion from LetsMoveIndonesia

Covid 19 – The current visa situation in Indonesia

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!

Visa on arrival (VOA) to Indonesia – Everything you need to know!

Multiple Business Visa – How to get yours!


Last updated 09:00 19th August 2020

On 18th August a new regulation was submitted regarding the emergency stay permit for those in Indonesia that could not leave the country.

Previously a deadline had been set for foreigners to convert their visa or leave the country by 20th August; however, the recent regulation has extended the deadline until 20th September 2020.

Covid 19 Updates | LetsMoveIndonesia

Covid 19 Updates | LetsMoveIndonesia

Below is the unofficial translation of  the new regulations 18th August 2020.

Taking into account the development of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia and the dynamics that occur in submitting applications for Visa Approval (Telex) and immigration Stay Permits, hereby respectfully convey the following matters:

1. Refer to the Circular of the Director General of Immigration Number IMI-GR. 01.01-1102 of 2020 concerning Immigration Stay Permit Services in the New Normal Order and Letter of the Director General of Immigration Number IMI-GR.01.01-3558 dated 22 July 2020 concerning Confirmation of Circular of the Director General of Immigration Number IMI-GR.01.01-1102 of 2020 concerning Services Immigration Stay Permit in the New Normal Order, for foreigners:
a. A visiting residence permit holder originating from a visit visa on arrival, a visit visa for one or several trips, KPP APEC (ABTC), or a crew visit and has obtained a Forced Stay Permit (ITKT), can extend a visit Stay Permit or apply for a Visa Approval and report to the local immigration office by 20 August 2020;

b. holders of free visit visas, limited stay permits, or permanent stay permits that have expired and cannot be extended in accordance with statutory regulations and have obtained a Forced Stay Permit (ITKT), are required to apply for a Visa Approval and report to the local immigration office no later than the date 20 August 2020.

2. Up to now, there are still obstacles that cause difficulties for foreigners to apply for a Visa Approval or Immigration Stay Permit.

3. In this regard, you can assign the head of the immigration office in his working area to disseminate information to guarantor and foreigners about:

a. changes in the deadline for foreigners to have an immigration Stay Permit as referred to in number 1 letters a and b, from 20 August 2020 to 20 September 2020;

b. on August 24, 2020, the Directorate General of Immigration implemented a simplification of services so that the payment of Visa and Visa Approval PNBP fees is carried out simultaneously at the time of the Telex application, thus: 1) Visit visa telex issued through the above mechanism also applies as a visit Stay Permit so that foreigners do not need to report to the immigration office, 2) Telex limited stay visas issued through the above mechanism can be granted a limited stay permit after reporting at the immigration office, 3) reporting period for foreigners holding limited stay telex visas as referred to in above is 07 (seven) days after the Telex is published;

c. the mechanism for issuing Telex before 24 August 2020 is carried out as referred to in the Letter of the Director General of Immigration Number IMI-GR.01.01-3558 dated 22 July 2020 and foreigners are required to report to the immigration office within 30 days after the Telex is issued;

d. foreigners who do not meet the provisions as intended above may be subject to Immigration Administrative Action.

That’s all, thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Last updated 17:20 3rd August 2020

As the Indonesian government continues to adjust visa processing procedures due to the global pandemic; as of 3rd August 2020 a new policy has been put in place to enable foreigners already in Indonesia to apply for a new visa without leaving Indonesian territory.

There are various conditions that apply to different visa types, so in this article we try to explain what these new procedures mean and who they apply to.

From 13th August 2020 foreigners in Indonesia can apply for new visas! | LetsMoveIndonesia

Residence Permits

A. Holders of Permanent Stay Permits (ITAP)

Foreigners with valid ITAP and which still can be extended, and are currently in Indonesia, can extend the ITAP at the local immigration office.

Foreigners who are currently in Indonesia with an expired ITAP that cannot be extended, must leave Indonesian territory by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can apply for a new Visit Visa (Visa Kunjungan) or Limited Stay Visa (VITAS) based on the requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

Submission can be made after the guarantor performs the procedure, returning the Immigration Document (ITAP) to the immigration office.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia.

If the ITAP validity period has ended and the foreigner is still abroad (Re-entry Permit is still valid or has expired)

You can enter Indonesian territory after attaching an approval letter from ministries / technical institutions.

You must apply for a new visa to come to Indonesia at the Indonesian Embassy / Indonesian Consulate when unable to show approval letter from the ministry / technical institution.

Holders of ITAP Family Union can directly enter Indonesia.

You must extend the ITAP and Re-Entry Permit at the local immigration office after arriving in Indonesia by the latest 8th September 2020.

If there are technical difficulties when processing for the extension of the Stay Permit, you will be given a grace period until 31st December 2020.


B. Holders of Temporary Stay Permits (ITAS)

Foreigners with ITAS that are still valid and extendable, who are in Indonesia, can extend ITAS or change status to ITAP at the local immigration office.

Foreigners with ITAS that has expired and cannot be extended, who are currently in Indonesia, must leave Indonesian territory by the latest 20th August 2020; or

You can apply for a new Visit Visa (Visa Kunjungan) or Limited Stay Visa (VITAS) as per requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

The submission can be made after the guarantor has performed the procedure, returning the Immigration Document (ITAS) to the immigration office.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia.

If the validity period of ITAS has expired and is still abroad (Re-entry Permit is still valid or has expired), you can enter Indonesian territory after attaching an approval letter from ministries / technical institutions.

For those who cannot attach a letter of approval from the related ministry / technical institution, you must apply for a new visa to come to Indonesia.

For holders of ITAS Family Union, you can directly enter Indonesia you must extend the ITAS and Re-entry Permit at the office local immigration after arriving in Indonesia by the latest 8th September 2020.

If there are technical difficulties when processing of the extension of the Stay Permit, you will be given a grace period until 31st December 2020.


C. Single Entry Visa (Visa Index B211A, B211B, B211C)

Holders of Visit Permit (ITK) originating from Visit Visa index B211 and currently in Indonesia

If ITK is still valid and can be extended, you can do an extension of the Visit Permit at the local immigration office.

If the ITK has expired and cannot be extended, you must leave Indonesian territory by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can extend the ITK until the Covid-19 Pandemic period at Indonesia is declared over / there is no means of transportation to leave Indonesia / there are new rules related to visas and residence permits, with validity period of 30 days given for each time extension.

You can apply for a new Visit Visa or Residence Permit as per requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

ITK holders can apply for status transfer to ITAS in accordance with applicable regulation.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia.

From 3rd August 2020 foreigners in Indonesia can apply for new visas! LetsMoveIndonesia

D. Holders of Visit Visa Permits Visit several times (Multiple-Entry Visitor Visa D212)

If the ITK validity period has ended, you must leave Indonesian territory by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can extend the ITK until the Covid-19 Pandemic period in Indonesia is declared over / there is no means of transportation to leave the region Indonesia / there are new rules related to visas and residence permits, with validity periods of 30 days given for each time extension.

You can apply for a new Visit Visa or Residence Permit as per requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

ITK holders can apply for status transfer to ITAS in accordance with applicable regulation.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia

E. APEC Business Travel Card Holder (APEC Business Travel Card)

If the validity period of your Stay Permit (ITK) has expired, you must leave Indonesia by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can extend the ITK until the Covid-19 Pandemic period at Indonesia is declared over / there is no means of transportation to leave the region Indonesia / there are new rules related to visas and residence permits, with validity periods of 30 days given for each time extension.

You can apply for a new Visit Visa or Residence Permit as per requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia.


F. Holders of Stay Permit from a Current Visit Visa Arrival (Visa on Arrival)

If the period of Stay Permit (ITK) from your VOA has expired and cannot be extended, you are required to leave the territory of Indonesia by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can extend the ITK until the Covid-19 Pandemic period in Indonesia is declared over / there is no means of transportation to leave the region Indonesia / there are new rules related to visas and residence permits, with validity periods of 30 days given for each time extension; or

You can apply for a new Visit Visa or Residence Permit as per requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia.


G. Visa-Free Holders (Visa Exemption) currently in Indonesia

If the Stay Permit (ITK) period has ended, you must leave Indonesian territory by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can apply for a new Visit Visa or Residence Permit in accordance with the requirements through without having to leave Indonesian territory.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia. 

H. Crew Visit holders in Indonesia

If the Stay Permit (ITK) period of your Crew Visit has ended, you must leave Indonesian territory by the latest 20th August 2020; or,

You can apply for a new Visit Visa or Residence Permit as per requirements through without leaving the territory of Indonesia.

Every visa application and residence permit must have a guarantor who takes responsibility during your presence in Indonesia.

From 3rd August 2020 foreigners in Indonesia can apply for new visas! LetsMoveIndonesia

Visa and Telex Visa

ITK and ITAS holders who already have a Telex Visa (issued since 1st December 2019) and currently in Indonesia,

You can apply for ITK and ITAS at the local immigration office without leaving Indonesian territory and without applying visa at Indonesian Embassy abroad.

Proof of visa payment at the local immigration office is considered as a Proof of Visa Possession.

For Telex holders of Visit Visa, your passport will be stamped Visitation Permit by the local immigration office.

For Telex holders of Limited Stay Visa, your passport will be stamped a Limited Stay Permit as well as a Re-Entry Permit by local immigration office.

For Telex issued from 1st December 2019 – 22nd July 2020, the period of Visit Permit / Limited Stay Permit validity will be counted from the date of submission of ITK / ITAS application at the immigration office.

Telex issued after 23rd July 2020, the period of Visit Permit / Limited Stay Permit validity will be counted from the Telex Visa issuance date.


We appreciate overall these updates may seem quite confusing, so if you have a question or need assistance, feel free to contact the LetsMoveIndonesia team. E: [email protected] or T: 021 300 297 27

Want to know more about the visa processes? Then check out our useful articles below by clicking the links:

Covid 19 – The current visa situation in Indonesia

Indonesian Passport Holders Immigration Update

Indonesia Visa Processes back online & the end of the emergency stay permit

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!

The investor KITAS – Everything You Need To Know!

Visa on arrival (VOA) to Indonesia – Everything you need to know!

Multiple Business Visa – How to get yours!


Last updated 16:25 23rd July 2020

Indonesia Visit Visa & Telex Holder News Update

In connection with the dynamics that occur in the community related to the residence permit of foreigners in Indonesia, the latest regulation number IMI-GR.01.01-3558 has been just issued from the Indonesian Immigration Authority dated 22nd July 2020  to reaffirm the status of residence permits for Visit Visa holders including APEC card holders, as well as arrangements for foreigners currently in Indonesia who are holding Telex Visa.

Indonesia Visit Visa & Telex Holder News Update | LetsMoveIndonesia

Foreign nationals who possess a visit visa (ITK) and have obtained a free emergency visa (ITKT) due to the Covid 19 Pandemic can continue to extend their residence permit if they are unable to leave the territory of Indonesia due to lack of transportation.

The foreigners holding ITK referred to above include Multiple Entry Business Visa holders (D212) and APEC card holders, with an extension period of 30 days.

Foreigners who hold ITK and Business Visa 212 holders who have obtained an extension of residence permit can apply for transfer to ITAS status after fulfilling the requirements in accordance with applicable regulations.

Foreigners who hold ITAS and ITAP holders whose permit has expired can apply for a telex for a Visit Visa or a telex for a Limited Stay Visa through the Immigration Directorate’s online application after fulfilling the requirements in accordance with applicable regulations.

Foreigners who already have a telex visa referred to in the above point, can apply for ITK or ITAS after paying a visa cost to the local immigration office without leaving Indonesia and without applying for a visa to the Indonesian representative abroad.

Expired KITAS and KITAP holders who will return to their country of origin or leave the territory of Indonesia for any reason, may leave Indonesia within 30 days from the enactment of this Circular Affirmation.

Indonesia Visit Visa & Telex Holder News Update | LetsMoveIndonesia

Foreigners holding Bebas Visa Kunjungan (BVK / Visa Exemption) who have obtained an Emergency Stay Permit must leave Indonesia within 30 days.

Visa Exemption (free 30 days) holders and Crew Visit holder can apply for a telex of Visit Visa (ITK) or a telex of Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) through Immigration Online system in accordance with applicable regulations.

Visa Exemption holders who have obtained Telex Visa referred to the above point can apply for a Visit Visa (ITK) or Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) after paying visa PNBP fee to the local immigration office without having to leave Indonesia and without applying for a visa to the Indonesian representative abroad.

Visa fees are paid using a type of PNBP service by making a symphony billing as the basis for payment.

PNBP payment proof is considered as a proof of having a visa.

Foreign passports of Visit Visa Telex holders are given a stamp of granting/extending ‘’Visit Stay’’.

Foreign passports of Limited Stay Visa Telex are given a stamp of granting/extending a Limited Stay Permit as well as Re-entry Permit ‘’Limited Stay & Re-entry’’

Foreigners who already have Telex currently in Indonesia

Foreigners who have had a Telex Visa since 1st December 2019 who are currently in Indonesia can apply for Visit Visa (ITK) and Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) after paying Visa fees to the local immigration office without leaving Indonesia and without applying for a visa to the Indonesia Representative abroad.

Indonesia Visit Visa & Telex Holder News Update | LetsMoveIndonesia

Residence Permit Counting

For foreigners who already have a telex visa issued since 1st December 2019 until the issuance of this Circular Affirmation, the granting of the residence permit is in accordance with ITK and ITAS submission date to the local immigration office.For foreigners who already have a telex visa which is issued after the issuance date of this Circular Affirmation, the granting of the residence permit is in accordance with the issuance date of the Telex Visa.


Have a question or need advice, feel free to contact us T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected] Check out these other useful articles about the current immigration situation in Indonesia!

Indonesia Visit Visa & Telex Holder News Update

Indonesian Passport Holders Immigration Update

Indonesia Visa Processes back online & the end of the emergency stay permit

The KITAS Process – Everything you need to know before applying for yours!

The investor KITAS – Everything You Need To Know!

Visa on arrival (VOA) to Indonesia – Everything you need to know!

Multiple Business Visa – How to get yours!


Last updated 14:55 13th July 2020

Starting today, 13th July 2020, Indonesia is putting an end to the free emergency residence permit and applying the new policy related to the status of foreigner’s permits, inside and outside the territory of Indonesia.

The new Circular Letter number IMI-GR.01.01-1102 of 2020 which has just taken effect today concerning immigration residence permit in the New Normal order, regulates several important points for Visit Visa holders (ITK/Izin Tinggal Kunjungan), Limited Stay Permits (ITAS) and Permanent Stay Permit (ITAP).

As with all new policies, these may be subject to change, although this is what we understand so far:

1. ITAS and ITAP Holders Who Are Currently Outside Indonesia

Foreigners who are ITAS (Limited Stay Permit) and ITAP (Permanent Stay Permit) and/or IMK (Izin Masuk Kembali/Re-entry Permit) holders whose validity period has expired and are abroad, who have obtained an approval letter from the Ministry / Technical Institution and in the context of family reunification, to kindly re-enter Indonesia to extend their residence permit in the local immigration office, within 60 days from the issuance of the Circular.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia


2. Extension of ITK (Visit Permit), ITAS (Limited Stay Permit), and ITAP (Permanent Stay Permit) that is still valid

Foreigners who are ITK, ITAS and ITAP holders who are still valid and are in Indonesia, can apply for an extension of their residence permit at the Immigration Office in accordance with statutory provisions.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia

3. Returning ITKT (Izin Tinggal Keadaan Terpaksa/Emergency Visa) Holder Status

A. ITK holder (Visit Visa Holder)

Foreign ITK holders who have obtained ITKT, can extend their residence permit based on the previous ITK during the Covid-19 pandemic period has not ended and there is no means of transportation to leave the territory of Indonesia.

Foreigners who have extended ITK as referred can apply for the transfer of status to ITAS in accordance with statutory provisions.Extension as referred to must be made within 30 days from the date of issuance of this Circular Letter.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia

As advised by the immigration office of South Jakarta, the visit visa extension is applicable to Social Culture Visa holders (211A), Business Visa holders (211B and 212), and Visa on Arrival holders, by submitting the application requirements along with the valid proof of the foreigner cannot leave.

B.  ITAS holder (Limited Stay Permit)

Foreign ITAS holders who have obtained ITKT can apply for an extension of the residence permit based on previous ITAS in accordance with statutory provisions. Foreigners who have extended ITAS as referred to in letter a) can apply for the transfer of status to ITAP in accordance with statutory provisions.Foreign ITAS holders who have obtained ITKT and cannot be extended in accordance with applicable regulations must leave Indonesian territory within 30 days from the issuance of this Circular Letter.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia

C. ITAP holder (Permanent Stay Permit)

Foreign ITAP holders who have obtained ITKT can apply for an extension of the residence permit based on the previous ITAP.

Foreign ITAP holders who have obtained ITKT and cannot be extended in accordance with applicable regulations must leave the territory of Indonesia no later than 30 days from the issuance of this Circular Letter.

Foreigners who do not meet the provisions are subject to Immigration Administrative Measures in accordance with statutory provisions.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia


4. Visa on Arrival Holders

Foreigners holding VKSK who have obtained ITKT can extend their residence permit based on their previous VKSK until the Covid-19 pandemic period ends and there is no means of transportation to leave Indonesian territory.

The extension must be made within 30 days from the issuance of this Circular Letter.

Foreigners who do not meet the provisions referred to in point 1) and 2) are subject to Immigration Administrative Measures in accordance with statutory provisions.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia


5. Free Visa Holders

Foreigners holding BVK who have obtained ITKT must leave the territory of Indonesia within 30 days from the issuance of this Circular.

Foreigners who do not meet the provisions referred to in number 1) are subject to Immigration Administrative Measures in accordance with statutory provisions.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia


6. Holders of Visit Permit (ITK), Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) Who Already Have A Telex Visa

  1. Foreigners who hold ITK and ITAS who already have a telex visa, who are in the territory of Indonesia can apply for the provision of ITK and ITAS to the local immigration office without leaving Indonesia and without applying for a visa to an Indonesian representative abroad.
  2. ITK and ITAS as referred to in number 1) are granted after paying the Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) visa fees at the local Immigration Office in accordance with Government Regulation No. 28 of 2019 concerning Types and Rates of Non-Tax State Revenues Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Rights Indonesian Human Rights.
  3. The visa fee as referred to in number 2) is paid by using the VKSK and VITAS services on Arrival by first making a Billing Simponi as the basis for payment.
  4. Proof of payment of VKSK and VITAS PNBP Upon Arrival as referred to in number 3) is considered as Proof of Having a Visa.

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia

As stated previously, the regulations are subject to change, as always; LetsMoveIndonesia will continue to make updates as and when we receive them.

We have also kept an eye on the Immigration offices Instagram page, and below are screenshots of conversations with them:

Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia Indonesian Visa Processes Back Online & The End of Emergency Stay Permits | LetsMoveIndonesia

Have a question or need advice, feel free to contact us T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected] Check out these other useful articles about the current immigration situation in Indonesia!

Covid 19 – The current visa situation in Indonesia

Indonesian Passport Holders Immigration Update


Last updated 11:30 30th June 2020

If your KITAS/KITAP expired during the pandemic, you can now enter Indonesia.

The Indonesian government still imposes travel restrictions for foreign nationals (foreigners) both to and from the territory of Indonesia to reduce the number of positive cases of the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19) in the country.

Restrictions on travelers through immigration gates are also still carried out based on the Regulation No. 11 of 2020 from Minister of Law and Human Rights which has taken force since 2nd April 2020 concerning Temporary Prohibitions of Foreigners Entering the Territory of Republic of Indonesia.

However, exceptions are given in several categories such as KITAS/KITAP holders, foreigners holding diplomatic and services visas, medical aid and support staff, humanitarian reasons, transport crews and people who will work on national strategic projects with the approval of the Directorate General of Immigration. But subsequently, the regulation has expanded in the form of Circular Letter No. IMI-GR.01.01-2493 of 2020 which came into effect since 6th May 2020 concerning the procedures for granting entry permits for holders of ITAS/ITAP/IMK (Return Permit/MERP)/Visa Approval/Visa which have expired.

In that Circular, which was signed by the Director General of Immigration, Jhoni Ginting, there were a number of points relating to the procedures for the Immigration officers to give permission for foreigners who were allowed to or were excluded from entering Indonesia.

Covid 19 Updates | LetsMoveIndonesia

This Circular regulates:

a. The procedure for granting entry permits for working or non-working (family union) ITAP holders, whose Entry Permit has expired and are abroad.

b. The procedure for granting entry permits for working and non-working (family union) ITAS holders, which expires and are abroad.

c. The procedure for reactivation through the system of Approval / Telex Visa which expires after the Covid19 pandemic status is declared over by the Authority.

d. The procedure for reactivation through the Visa system which expires after the Covid19 pandemic status is declared over by the Authority.

e. The procedure for granting a working or non-working ITAS/ITAP extension which expires and within Indonesia.

Granting Entry Permission:

1. For working or non-working (family union) ITAS/ITAP holders which expires and are abroad;

2. For working or non-working (family union) ITAP holders, whose Return Permit has been expired;

is given with the following procedures:

a. The Immigration which is in charge of Soekarno Hatta – Jakarta, Juanda – Surabaya, Ngurah Rai – Bali, Kualanamu – Medan, Hang Nadim – Batam, Batam Center – Batam, Citra Tritunas – Batam, are given the authority to grant a Permission Status of Forced Entry (ITKT Entry/ITKT Masuk) in the form of Hexagon Stamp without questioning the validity period of IMKT/ITAS.

b. Immigration Officials input every transaction that provides ITKT Entry that is available in the Crossing Application.

c. This ITKT-Entry granting is not an automatic extension of working/non-working/Investor ITAS or ITAP holders.

Covid 19 | LetsMoveIndonesia

See the full document in Bahasa

As always, if you have any questions, or need any assistance, feel free to contact LetsMoveIndonesia. T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected] or check out these other recent articles:

Covid 19 – The current visa situation in Indonesia

Indonesian Passport Holders Immigration Update

Last updated 16:00 11th June 2020

***News Update from the Directorate General of Immigration!***

As per today all immigration offices are open again across Indonesia, opening hours may vary, but we believe they will be open till 15:00.

The big changes for today (as per the official attachments below) are:

A: Change of Status of an Immigration Stay Permit Application;

Foreigners are able to change their residence permits, such as:

  • KITAS conversion to KITAP
  • Social Visa (Single Entry Visa 211) conversion to Spouse KITAS

B: New Temporary Stay Permit (ITAS) Issuance; for those who have obtained visa (VITAS) from the Indonesian Embassy overseas

For this the applicant must have already collected their VITAS from an overseas Indonesian Embassy, but hasn’t converted it to KITAS because of the closure of immigration offices.

C: Immigration Certificate of Residency (SKIM) issuance; a letter issued by the Immigration Officials for foreigners who are willing to obtain Indonesian citizenship.

D: Indonesian Dual Citizenship and immigration facility application.

Covid 19 | LetsMoveIndonesia

We believe this is the first step to open the immigration offices on a more permanent basis, staggering the processes of backlog, so they are not over run in one go.

It appears the emergency stay permits are still ongoing until otherwise stated & no other changes to immigration, processes, travel restrictions have been made as of yet.

As soon as new updates are received, we will update this thread.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our team and we will be happy to help. T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Last updated 12:30 28th May 2020

News update from the Immigration office – The Emergency Stay Permit has been extended beyond 29th May until further notification.

Covid19 | LetsMoveIndonesia

Many people are contacting us to obtain a KITAS in the hope they will not have to leave the country; please note that immigration offices remain closed for Visa applications and there are still no updates on when foreign nationals will be able to enter Indonesia again. Additionally, if you do apply for a KITAS you would still need to exit the country to collect your Telex, so there is no way around the visa restrictions.

As soon as further updates are made, we will continue to update this thread.

Have a question or need assistance, then contact the LetsMoveIndonesia team! T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]

Last updated 13:00 14th May 2020

As always, LetsMoveIndonesia will continue to update this article with information regarding the current visa situation for foreigners that wish to enter or are currently in Indonesia.

In today’s update, we wish to answer your most common questions.

Who can currently enter Indonesia:

As of right now, it is extremely challenging for foreigners to enter Indonesia. As listed in The Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 11 Year 2020 on the Temporary Prohibition for Foreigners Entering the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

The only people allowed to enter Indonesia are:

1.Foreign Holders of Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) and Permanent Stay Permit KITAP)

2.Foreign Holders of Diplomatic and Service Visa

3.Foreign Holders of Diplomatic Stay Permit and Official Stay Permit

4.Medical and Food aid and support personnel. This is based on humanitarian purpose

5.Sea, Air and Land Transportation Crews

6.Foreigners who will work at National Strategic Projects. tory of the Republic of Indonesia

The excluded foreigners must meet the following requirements:

1.Present a health statement in English language which issued by the health authorities of their respective country

2.Must have stayed for 14 (fourteen) days in an area/country which not affected by Covid-19 outbreak

3.Statement of willingness to enter quarantine for 14 (fourteen) days in facilities provided by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

Additional Note: If you have collected your Telex at an Indonesia Embassy overseas; however, have not been back to Indonesia to convert it to a KITAS, you will not be allowed to enter the country.

When will the travel restrictions be relaxed?

We are currently awaiting further instruction from the Government on the travel restrictions. As soon as we know for sure, we will update the LetsMoveIndonesia Covid article and our social media outputs. Please feel free to regularly check our site or follow our social media.

Applying for a Visa to Visit Indonesia

Currently the Indonesian Immigration Authorities are no longer processing new visas to Indonesia, until otherwise stated.

Visa Extension information

If you are located in Indonesia and your visa has expired, you do not need to worry as all foreigners are provided the automatic stay permit as outlined in the infographic below. (Provided by the Immigration Authorities).

Covid 19 Updates | LetsMoveIndonesia

When will the automatic extensions end?

We cannot be certain exactly when the Immigration Authorities will relax the travel ban or when the Emergency Stay Permits will end. Early signs are pointing towards 29th May; however, this will be down to the authorities to decide whether they will extend this period.

If you have applied for your visa and you are overseas, what should you do?

As with the renewals, Immigration authorities have also put in place extensions for those that had their Visa Approval (Visa Telex) granted after the 1st January 2020, as outlined in the infographic below.

Covid 19 | Indonesia | Immigration | LetsMoveIndonesia

Additional Notes – Don’t get scammed!

Many agencies have tried to monetize the situation and are trying to exploit foreigners by charging fees for extensions. There are no emergency fees at this time. If an agency asks for a fee, walk away and find yourself a more trustworthy agent.

At LetsMoveIndonesia, we have persistently been at the forefront of updating information to the public. To see continued updates, keep checking out this article or follow our social media platforms.

Last updated 13:00 7th May 2020

We have had many inquiries as of late from foreigners who have been asked to pay some sort of “processing fee” from greedy/unethical visa agents in respect of renewing their visas. Please know that there are no fees to pay currently as outlined in the info graphic below –  distributed by the Immigration Office of South Jakarta.

Covid 19 Updates | LetsMoveIndonesia

Please continue to stay safe and as always LetsMoveIndonesia will continue to keep you updated with the visa situation within Indonesia.

Have a question or need to know more, then feel free to contact us: E: [email protected]

Last updated 15:00 7th April 2020

Indonesia immigration has taken the call to close all immigration offices in Indonesia and extensions for Visa on Arrivals and Single Entry Visas and are no longer possible.

Therefore, if you have either of the above you do not need to extend the visa and will automatically be granted a free emergency extension, with no need to visit the immigration office.

If you have a Multiple Entry Visa and you have used up your 60 day allowance, you do not need to leave the country and will be granted the automatic free emergency visa. Once again, you do not need to visit the immigration office.

If your visa has expired; (no matter the visa type) and you cannot leave the country, you can stay and will not be penalized. You also do not need to visit the immigration office.

If you have a KITAS that is extendable – You should extend it. LetsMoveIndonesia would be delighted to help you with this.

The immigration office is open for a very brief time in the morning which is explicitly for biometric and document collection.

It is not yet clear yet how long this free emergency situation will last for; however, we shall continue to update you as soon as we receive any further updates via this thread!

As always, please remain safe & restrict interactions as much as possible.

From everyone at LetsMoveIndonesia, we wish you good health during this truly terrible time.


Last updated 17:00 1st April 2020

Everything you need to know about the current visa situation in Indonesia

As the Covid 19 situation continues to spiral out of control, LetsMoveIndonesia will continue to keep you well informed of changes to government regulations that effect foreign nationals in Indonesia.

Starting from 2nd April 2020 new government legislation will be in effect for all foreigners entering, living and leaving Indonesia.

Below you may see attached the new regulations. Please note that as of yet, there is only an Indonesian version; however, we can also attach a copy of the press release which is in English.

New Regulations PDF (Indonesian Version)

English Press Release

The key points to note are:

1: Travel Ban Entering Indonesia

Indonesia is implementing a travel ban for all nationalities entering Indonesia starting from 2nd April 2020; however, there are exception for the following situation/persons.


Diplomatic visas

Medical & food aid personnel

Sea, air and land transportation crews

Foreigners working on national strategic projects

For these exceptions, you will still be required to follow strict rules as documented in the new regulation. These are:

  1. You must provide a recent health certificate (in English) that acknowledges you are free from the Covid 19 virus.
  2. You must be coming from a country/area that is negative for Covid 19 cases within the last 14 days.
  3. Statement of willingness to enter quarantine for 14 days in facilities provided by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

All other visa types apart from KITAS/KITAP will not be permitted to enter Indonesia – this applies to all nationalities.

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2: Automatic Stay Permit Extension

No matter your nationality or visa type, if your visa has expired is not extendable or you cannot leave the country, you will automatically be granted the stay permit extension. You do not need to visit any immigration office. This applies to all Visit Visas, such as: Visa on arrival (free & paid), Single Entry Visa and Multiple Entry Visa.

Foreigners holding a KITAS/KITAP that has expired and/or cannot be extended will automatically be granted a free of charge emergency stay permit without the need to submit any application to the immigration office.

In previous government regulations it was stated the automatic stay permit extension was for all foreigners who entered Indonesia after 5th February 2020; however, now this date has been revoked and now there is no date restriction for when you entered the country.

3: Extendable Visas

If you possess a visa such as Single Entry, Extendable Visa on Arrival or any form of KITAS/KITAP and you can extend it, you still have to apply for an extension.

If you have a Single Entry Visa or a Visa on Arrival you must extend it as usual. The automatic emergency stay permit is not applicable to cases where you can extend your visa.

Failure to do so, may result in overstay penalties when you leave the country.

4: Previous regulations

All previous regulations are now null and void, the only regulations to follow are those updated in the new regulations dated 2nd April 2020.

5: Leaving Indonesia

If you can leave Indonesia and it is safe to do so, the government still suggests you leave the country. Many countries have closed international boarders, so please check with the immigration authorities of the country you plan to enter.

6: In Summary

If you cannot extend your visa, you will automatically be granted the automatic stay permit. If you can extend your visa, you must. If you can leave the country, it is advisable you do so.

All regulations above will be in effect as of 2nd April 2020 and will be effective until the Covid 19 pandemic status is lifted by the authorized agency.

If you need assistance applying for any visa types or have further questions, feel free to contact the LetsMoveIndonesia team T: 021 300 297 27 E: [email protected]


Last updated 12:30 27th March 2020

Yet another update from the Immigration office of South Jakarta, this time they have removed point 3 about the date of entry into Indonesia. Point 3 previously stated “Valid only for foreigners who enter Indonesia territory after 5th February”. We have asked the immigration authorities what this means for foreigners and have been advised they are changing the regulations again. We believe that this means they will extend the period of free visas prior the 5th February date.

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We shall await further confirmation and update this thread as soon as we receive more information – So keep checking in for daily updates!

So in Summary, anyone using a Visa on Arrival, Single Entry Visa or Multiple Entry Visa dated 5th February or onwards, does not need to worry about their visa expiring and is granted the automatic free extension. Moving forwards the government is likely extend this period prior to the 5th February date.

If you need any further assistance or advice, please feel free to contact the LetsMoveIndonesia team.

Last Updated 17:00 26th March 2020

The Indonesian Immigration has basically allowed a free for all. If you are staying in Indonesia and you can no longer leave the country you may stay in Indonesia. No need to go to the immigration office, no supporting evidence. They are advising all foreigners to stay indoors and not go outside. As long as you arrived after the 5th of February.

If you arrived before the of February 2020 and your visa expires, you may still apply for an emergency Visa.

Below are an assortment of Facebook posts from foreigners in Indonesia with a reply from an official Immigration representative.

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Last updated 15:05 24th March 2020

As the Covid 19 pandemic continues to ravage throughout the world and countries shut boarders it is becoming increasingly difficult to find reliable information about what people can or cannot do. We will do our best to keep reliable updates on this thread, so please keep checking in and share the information.

Unfortunately, the immigration offices are feeding different information and make changes to regulations daily, therefore it is extremely challenging to decipher what the situation is for each nationality.

On 24th March 2020 we visited the immigration authorities in South Jakarta and received the following information:

Automatic Stay Permit Extension

For foreigners who cannot return to their country due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

  1. Applicants do not need to come by the immigration office to apply
  2. There are no fines
  3. Valid only for foreigners who enter Indonesian territory after 5th February 2020
  4. The Emergency Stay Permit is free of charge

Covid 19 | What is the current situation in Indonesia | LetsMoveIndonesia

The immigration office in South Jakarta has now confirmed this free automatic stay permit extension is applicable for Visa on Arrival, Single Entry (Social Budaya) & Multiple Entry Business Visa. This information was confirmed to us by the Indonesian Immigration Helpdesk.

In addition, the Immigration office of South Jakarta has advised people to contact this number for up to date information: +62 812 9046 9698. Please note this number is for applicants who are foreigners staying in South Jakarta. They also have advised not to visit the immigration offices and contact them directly via telephone or email.

Overall, at this time, if your visa is close to expiration and you can return home, we would suggest this option.

Emergency Residence Permit

For nationalities whose country is locked down or their flights are cancelled leaving Indonesia and it is not possible to leave the country, you may apply for an emergency permit.

To apply for this emergency permit you will need to provide:

  1. Application letter
  2. Passport
  3. Guarantee letter from local sponsor
  4. Copy of flight cancellation (if applicable)

To apply for an emergency permit, you will need to visit your local immigration office; there is no charge from the government for this service – The emergency permit has a validity of 30 days.

Please note that if there are no prohibitions for you to leave the country, you will not be able to apply for the emergency permit.

Notes About Entering Indonesia

Foreign nationals may still enter Indonesia; however, you must apply for a visa such as single entry/multiple entry visa before entering the country. Please note that you shall not be subjected to quarantine as long as you can provide a health certificate/letter from a relevant health authority that shows you are negative to the Covid 19 virus and are in good health condition. Ensure this document is printed and is dated within a few days of your arrival date to Indonesia.

Additionally, visitors/travellers will be denied entry/transit to or via Indonesia if they have travelled to the following countries in the last 14 days: Iran, Italy, Vatican, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

Please note that the Visa on arrival, both paid and free is suspended until undefined date for all nationalities.

Stay Permit Renewals

If you have a KITAS of any type, you may still renew it as usual, therefore those with this type of visa do not need to be concerned with the current visa situation.

Applicants applying for Stay permit for collection in another country

If you are in Indonesia already and have applied for a KITAS that needs collection in another country that is on lockdown, you may still change the telex destination; however, you will likely be charged by your visa provider for such changes.

Additionally, as different countries are changing their emergency protocols daily, there is no certainty that the new country will still accept foreigners from entering. We would suggest picking a country that has little or no reported cases of the Covid 19 virus to be on the safe side.

Multiple Entry Visa

If you are using this type of visa and your 60-day validity has almost expired, then we would advise leaving Indonesia to another country that is not on lock down. In addition you can benefit from the free automatic stay permit extension, but please make an inquiry with your local immigration office first.

Single Entry Visa

You may still extend this visa as per usual. If you cannot extend it anymore and cannot leave Indonesia, we would recommend speaking directly to your local Immigration Authority. In addition you can benefit from the free automatic stay permit extension, but please make an inquiry with your local immigration office first.


We shall seek to keep updating this thread with new updates as and when we get them. Please share this thread to help others stay informed.

If you need further advice, please contact us at: [email protected] or call our office in Jakarta +62 21 300 297 27.

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