Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa C12

Visa Services & Immigration Consulting

C12 Pre-Investment Visa – Who is it for and what are the benefits

The C12 Pre-Investment Visa is a newly introduced visa category in Indonesia, specifically designed for foreign individuals seeking to explore business opportunities before committing to an investment. It grants a stay of up to 180 days (6 months) in Indonesia. However, it’s a single-entry visa, requiring you to reapply for a new visa if you leave the country during this period.

Upon receiving your e-Visa via email, you have a 90-day window to enter Indonesia from the specified release date. To ensure a smooth and timely visa application process, it’s highly recommended to double-check your flight details and submit your application at least one month before your intended travel date.

Important notes before applying for C12 Single Entry

Pre-Investment Visa

Steps to get your Pre-Investment Visa Indonesia

  1. Prepare and provide all the requirements. Lets Move Indonesia can help to navigate the right documents you need to provide to avoid the complexity. 
  2. Submit all the documents to the Indonesian Immigration website
  3. The approval will be sent to you via e-mail
  4. The Pre-Investment Visa will be sent to your email and can be used to enter Indonesia.

Common Questions About Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa

Is business allowed with this visa?

No, the Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa is specifically designed for pre-investment activities such as:

It is not intended for active business operations like selling goods or services, receiving payments, or setting up a company. If you intend to conduct business, you would need a different visa, such as a Business Visa.  

What activities can I do with a Single Entry Pre-Investment visa in Indonesia?

Aside from the pre-investment activities mentioned above, you can also:

Can I exit Indonesia and re-enter using the same visa?

No, the Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa allows only one entry into Indonesia. Once you leave the country, the visa is no longer valid, even if it hasn’t reached its 180-day expiry date. If you need to exit and re-enter, you would need to apply for a new visa. 

Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa Indonesia

Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa

Requirements to Obtain the Single Entry Pre-Investment Visa

Want to know more about similar Visa options? Check out some of the other Indonesia Visas below:

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Christyana Haryono
( Visa Consultant )

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